#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use MIME::Lite; my $options = { newidlehours => 4 * 24, openidlehours => 5 * 24, stalledidlehours => 20 * 24, debug => 0, emailfromaddr => 'Request Tracker <rt@example.com>', emailtoaddr => ['James Bromberger <james.bromberger@example.com>']}; ########################################################################## sub debug { my ($level, $message) = @_; return unless $level <= $options->{debug}; printf "%s: %s\n", (caller(1))[3]||"main", $message; } use strict; use lib '/usr/share/request-tracker3.8/lib/', '/usr/local/share/request-tracker3.8/plugins/RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/lib/', '/usr/local/share/request-tracker3.8/plugins/RT-Extension-ActivityReports/lib/', '/usr/local/share/request-tracker3.8/plugins/RTx-Calendar/lib/'; use RT::Interface::CLI qw(CleanEnv GetCurrentUser GetMessageContent loc); use Getopt::Long; GetOptions($options, "debug=i", "newidlehours=i", "openidlehours=i", "stalledidlehours=i", "queue=s@", "emailfromaddr=s", "emailtoaddr=s@", "help"); help() if defined $options->{help}; die "No queue specified" unless defined $options->{queue}; die "No destination for the email" unless defined $options->{emailtoaddr}; # Clean our the environment CleanEnv(); # Load the RT configuration RT::LoadConfig(); # Initialise RT RT::Init(); # Load rest of the RT stuff (seems to go after initialization) use RT::Date; use RT::Queue; use RT::Tickets; #use RT::Action::SendEmail; sub help { print <<FOO; $0 [ --queue <name> [ --queue <name2> ... ]] [ --newidlehours <i> ] [ --openidlehours <i> ] [ --stalledidlehours <i> ] [ --emailfromaddr <address> ] [ --emailtoaddr <address> ] [ --help ] FOO exit; } sub find_idle_tickets_for_queue { my $queue = shift; my $state = shift; my $idle_results; debug(3, "Running idle search for queue $queue"); my $date_ticket_rt = new RT::Date($RT::SystemUser); my $date_now_rt= new RT::Date($RT::SystemUser); $date_now_rt->SetToNow(); foreach my $state qw(new open stalled) { debug(5, " Running idle search for queue $queue for state $state"); my $tickets = RT::Tickets->new($RT::SystemUser); $tickets->FromSQL( 'Type = "ticket" AND '. 'Status = "'. $state.'" AND '. 'Queue = "'. $queue . '" AND '. 'Updated < "' . $options->{$state . "idlehours"} . ' hours ago"' ); $tickets->OrderBy(FIELD => 'Due', ORDER => 'ASC'); $idle_results->{$state}{count} = 0; while (my $ticket = $tickets->Next) { $idle_results->{$state}{count}++; my $Requestor = $ticket->Requestors->UserMembersObj(Recursively => 1)->Next; debug(5, sprintf "Name: %s. Telephone: %s. Mobile: %s", $Requestor->RealName, $Requestor->MobilePhone, $Requestor->WorkPhone || ""); $date_ticket_rt->Set(Format => "ISO",Value => $ticket->Created); my $created_relative_days = ($date_now_rt->Unix - $date_ticket_rt->Unix) / (3600 * 24); debug(2, sprintf "Ticket was created %d days ago", $created_relative_days); $idle_results->{$state}{summary}.= sprintf "<TR><TD><SPAN CLASS=\"%s\">$state</SPAN></TD><TD ALIGN=\"CENTER\"><A HREF=\"http://rt.example.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=%d\">%d</A></TD><TD>%s</TD><TD ALIGN=\"center\"><SMALL>%.1f</SMALL></TD><TD><SMALL>%s %s</SMALL></TD></TR>\n", $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue("Severity") || "", $ticket->Id, $ticket->Id, length($ticket->Subject) > 30 ? substr($ticket->Subject, 0, 27) . "...": $ticket->Subject, $created_relative_days, defined($Requestor->RealName) ? (length($Requestor->RealName) > 25 ? substr($ticket->RequestorRealName, 0, 22) . "..." : $Requestor->RealName) : (length($Requestor->RealName) > 25 ? substr($ticket->RequestorAddresses, 0, 22) . "..." : $ticket->RequestorAddresses), $Requestor->WorkPhone || $Requestor->MobilePhone || ""; } $idle_results->{total}{count} += $idle_results->{$state}{count}; } debug(4, sprintf " ... Found %s idle tickets in %s", $idle_results->{total}{count}, $queue); return $idle_results; } sub count_total_current_and_unassigned_in_queue { my $queue = shift; debug(3, "Running current and unowned report for queue $queue"); my $current_ticket_count = 0; my $unowned_ticket_count = 0; my $tickets_current = RT::Tickets->new($RT::SystemUser); my $tickets_unowned = RT::Tickets->new($RT::SystemUser); $tickets_current->FromSQL( 'Type = "ticket" AND '. '(Status != "deleted" AND Status != "resolved" AND Status != "rejected") AND '. 'Queue = "'. $queue . '"' ); $tickets_unowned->FromSQL( 'Type = "ticket" AND '. '(Status != "deleted" AND Status != "resolved" AND Status != "rejected") AND '. 'Queue = "'. $queue . '" AND (Owner = "Nobody" OR Owner = "NULL")' ); debug(4, sprintf " ... Found %d currently in queue, and %d unowned", $tickets_current->Count, $tickets_unowned->Count); my $tickets_current_severity_count; while (my $ticket = $tickets_current->Next) { $tickets_current_severity_count->{$ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue("Severity")||"Not set"}++; } return ($tickets_current->Count, $tickets_unowned->Count, $tickets_current_severity_count); } sub find_sla_for_currently_open_tickets_in_queue { my $queue = shift; debug(3, "Running open ticket SLA report for queue $queue"); my $tickets_in_sla = RT::Tickets->new($RT::SystemUser); my $tickets_out_sla = RT::Tickets->new($RT::SystemUser); $tickets_in_sla->FromSQL( 'Type = "ticket" AND '. '(Status != "deleted" AND Status != "resolved" AND Status != "rejected") AND '. 'Queue = "'. $queue . '" AND Due <= "now"' ); $tickets_out_sla->FromSQL( 'Type = "ticket" AND '. '(Status != "deleted" AND Status != "resolved" AND Status != "rejected") AND '. 'Queue = "'. $queue . '" AND Due > "now"' ); my $ticket_sum = $tickets_in_sla->Count + $tickets_out_sla->Count; return unless $ticket_sum > 0; my $ticket_sla_percent = 100 * ($tickets_out_sla->Count / $ticket_sum); debug(4, sprintf " ... Found %.2f%% outside SLA in queue %s" , $ticket_sla_percent, $queue); return ($tickets_in_sla->Count, $tickets_out_sla->Count, $ticket_sla_percent); } sub find_sla_for_all_tickets_this_month_in_queue { my $queue = shift; my $tickets = RT::Tickets->new($RT::SystemUser); my $start_of_month = sprintf "%4d-%02d-01", (localtime())[5] + 1900, (localtime())[4] + 1; my $now = sprintf "%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", (localtime())[5] + 1900, (localtime())[4] + 1, (localtime())[3], (localtime())[2], (localtime())[1], (localtime())[0]; $tickets->FromSQL( 'Type = "ticket" AND '. '(Status != "deleted" AND Status != "rejected") AND '. '(Resolved >= "'. $start_of_month . '" OR Status != "resolved") AND '. 'Queue = "'. $queue . '"' ); my $stats; $stats->{withinSLA}=0; $stats->{outsideSLA}=0; while (my $ticket = $tickets->Next) { debug(8, sprintf "ID: %s, Status: %s, Due: %s", $ticket->Id, $ticket->Status, $ticket->Due); if ($ticket->Status eq "resolved" && $ticket->Due gt $ticket->Resolved) { debug(6, sprintf "Ticket %d resolved in time", $ticket->Id); $stats->{withinSLA}++; } elsif ($ticket->Status ne "resolved" && $ticket->Status ne "stalled" && $ticket->Due gt $now) { debug(6, sprintf "Ticket %d not yet resolved but OK", $ticket->Id); } else { debug(6, sprintf "Ticket %d failed SLA", $ticket->Id); $stats->{outsideSLA}++; } } my $ticket_count = $stats->{outsideSLA} + $stats->{withinSLA}; return unless $ticket_count > 0; my $ticket_sla_met_percent = $stats->{withinSLA} / $ticket_count * 100; debug(3, sprintf "So far this month (starting %s), Queue '%s' SLA was %.2f%%", $start_of_month, $queue, $ticket_sla_met_percent); return ($stats->{withinSLA}, $stats->{outsideSLA}, $ticket_sla_met_percent); } sub find_sla_for_all_tickets_last_month_in_queue { my $queue = shift; my $tickets = RT::Tickets->new($RT::SystemUser); my $current_year = (localtime())[5] + 1900; my $current_month = (localtime())[4] + 1; my $start_of_last_month = sprintf "%4d-%02d-01", $current_month == 1 ? $current_year - 1 : $current_year, $current_month == 1 ? $ 12 : $current_month-1; my $start_of_this_month = sprintf "%4d-%02d-01", $current_year, $current_month; $tickets->FromSQL( 'Type = "ticket" AND '. '(Status != "deleted" AND Status != "rejected") AND '. '((Resolved >= "'. $start_of_last_month . '" AND Resolved < "'. $start_of_this_month .'") OR (Created >= "'. $start_of_this_month .'" AND Resolved > "'.$start_of_this_month.'") OR Resolved = "NULL") AND '. 'Queue = "'. $queue . '"' ); my $stats; $stats->{withinSLA}=0; $stats->{outsideSLA}=0; while (my $ticket = $tickets->Next) { debug(8, sprintf "ID: %s, Status: %s, Due: %s", $ticket->Id, $ticket->Status, $ticket->Due); if ($ticket->Status eq "resolved" && $ticket->Due gt $ticket->Resolved) { debug(6, sprintf "Ticket %d resolved in time", $ticket->Id); $stats->{withinSLA}++; } elsif ($ticket->Status ne "resolved" && $ticket->Status ne "stalled" && $ticket->Due gt $start_of_this_month) { debug(6, sprintf "Ticket %d not yet resolved but OK", $ticket->Id); } else { debug(6, sprintf "Ticket %d failed SLA", $ticket->Id); $stats->{outsideSLA}++; } } my $ticket_count = $stats->{outsideSLA} + $stats->{withinSLA}; return unless $ticket_count > 0; my $ticket_sla_met_percent = $stats->{withinSLA} / $ticket_count * 100; debug(3, sprintf "Last month (starting %s), Queue '%s' SLA was %.2f%%", $start_of_last_month, $queue, $ticket_sla_met_percent); return ($stats->{withinSLA}, $stats->{outsideSLA}, $ticket_sla_met_percent); } my $message_subject; my $message_headline = "<P>Blackberry: <em>SPACE</em>=pg down, <em>ALT-SPACE</em>=pg up, <em>b</em>=bottom, <em>t</em>=top</P>\n"; my $message_body; my $message_footer = sprintf "<p><small>Tickets are assumed idle if <em>NEW</em> is left for %.1f days , <em>OPEN</em> for %.1f days, and <em>STALLED</em> for %.1f days.</small></p>", $options->{newidlehours}/24, $options->{openidlehours}/24, $options->{stalledidlehours}/24; my $total_tickets_idle_all_queues = 0; foreach my $queue (@{$options->{queue}}) { my @subject_parts; my ($current_sla_in, $current_sla_out, $current_sla_pct) = find_sla_for_currently_open_tickets_in_queue($queue); my ($this_months_sla_in, $this_months_sla_out, $this_months_sla_pct) = find_sla_for_all_tickets_this_month_in_queue($queue); my ($last_month_sla_in, $last_months_sla_out, $last_months_sla_pct) = find_sla_for_all_tickets_last_month_in_queue($queue); my $idle_results = find_idle_tickets_for_queue($queue); my ($ticket_count_current_in_queue, $tickets_count_unowned, $tickets_current_severity_count) = count_total_current_and_unassigned_in_queue($queue); # Add the SLA review to the body of the message # Add the Idle ticket review to the body of the message and the subject of the message. if (defined($idle_results->{total}{count}) && $idle_results->{total}{count} > 0) { $message_headline.= sprintf "<p>$queue queue has %d idle of %d current tickets, with %d unassigned. ", $idle_results->{total}{count}, $ticket_count_current_in_queue, $tickets_count_unowned; $message_headline.= "Severities: " if defined($tickets_current_severity_count); foreach my $severity (sort { $a cmp $b} keys %{$tickets_current_severity_count}) { $message_headline.= sprintf "%d %s. ", $tickets_current_severity_count->{$severity}, $severity; } if (defined($this_months_sla_pct) or defined($current_sla_pct)) { $message_headline.= "SLAs: "; $message_headline.= sprintf "Open now %.2f%%. ", $current_sla_pct if defined $current_sla_pct; $message_headline.= sprintf "This month %.2f%%. ", $this_months_sla_pct if defined $this_months_sla_pct; $message_headline.= sprintf "Last month %.2f%%. ", $last_months_sla_pct if defined $last_months_sla_pct; } $message_headline.= "</p>\n"; $message_body.= "<TABLE><CAPTION>$queue Idle Tickets</CAPTION>\n"; $message_body.= "<TR><TH>State</TH><TH>ID</TH><TH>Subject</TH><TH>Age <small>(Days)</small></TH><TH>Req.</TH></TR>"; $message_body.= $idle_results->{new}{summary} if $idle_results->{new}{count} > 0; $message_body.= $idle_results->{open}{summary} if $idle_results->{open}{count} > 0; $message_body.= $idle_results->{stalled}{summary} if $idle_results->{stalled}{count} > 0; $message_body.= "</TABLE>\n"; $total_tickets_idle_all_queues+= $idle_results->{total}{count}; push @subject_parts, sprintf "%d/%d idle", $idle_results->{total}{count}, $ticket_count_current_in_queue; } push @subject_parts, sprintf "cur SLA %.2f%%", $this_months_sla_pct if defined( $this_months_sla_pct); $message_subject.= ". " if defined($message_subject) && @subject_parts; $message_subject.= "$queue: ". join(', ', @subject_parts) if (@subject_parts); } my $style = <<FOO; <style type="text/css"> BODY { margin: 2px; background-color: #E0E0FF; font-family: helvetica, arial, sans-serif; } TABLE { border-width: 2px; border-spacing: 1px; border-style: outset; border-color: black; border-collapse: collapse; background-color: rgb(250, 240, 230); padding-bottom: 0; padding-top: 0; margin-top: 0; } TH { border-width: 1px; padding: 1px ; border-style: dashed ; border-color: black ; background-color: #CCCCCC; } TD { border-width: 1px; padding: 1px; border-style: dashed; border-color: black; } P { padding-top: 0; margin-top: 0; border-top: 0; } H1 { font-size: medium; padding-bottom: 0; margin-bottom: 0; border-bottom: 0;} H2 { font-size: small; padding-bottom: 0; margin-bottom: 0; border-bottom: 0;} H3 { font-size: x-small; padding-bottom: 0; margin-bottom: 0; border-bottom: 0;} .Critical { background-color: red; } .Normal { background-color: orange; } .Minor { background-color: blue; } </style> FOO my $message_html = "<HTML><HEAD>$style</HEAD><BODY>" . $message_headline . "\n" . $message_body . "\n" . $message_footer . "</BODY></HTML>\n"; if (defined($message_headline)) { debug(1, $message_html); foreach my $rcpt (@{$options->{emailtoaddr}}) { my $msg = MIME::Lite->new( To => $rcpt, From => $options->{emailfromaddr}, Subject => "RT Summary: $message_subject", Type => "multipart/related", ); $msg->attach ( Type =>'text/html', Data => $message_html); eval { $msg->send("smtp", "", Debug => 0) }; warn $@ if $@; } }